University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
The Student Teachers Anti-Racism Society (STARS) promotes anti-racism education at the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan through the support of the College. We work collaboratively to understand, identify, and address individual and systemic racism and its interlocking forms of oppression based on gender, sexuality, ability, class, religion and other socially constructed categories. We believe that anti-racist and decolonizing education, when woven together, can create humanizing and emancipatory change for everyone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I am Kenyan Project

Here are links to a Kenyan driven activist project!

See 'I Am Kenyan Project' at: 

It would be interesting to use this project to introduce students to the history and current context of Kenya. Students could also talk about how to show solidarity (through such projects) without erasing racialized power inequities at global levels.

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