University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
The Student Teachers Anti-Racism Society (STARS) promotes anti-racism education at the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan through the support of the College. We work collaboratively to understand, identify, and address individual and systemic racism and its interlocking forms of oppression based on gender, sexuality, ability, class, religion and other socially constructed categories. We believe that anti-racist and decolonizing education, when woven together, can create humanizing and emancipatory change for everyone.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

SAFE - Social Justice and Anti-Racist Anti-Oppressive Forum on Education

SAFE (Social Justice and Anti-Racist Anti-Oppressive Forum on Education) is a STF Special Subject Council dedicated to centralizing anti-racist and anti-oppressive pedagogy in Saskatchewan schools.


The SAFE mission is as follows:
"It is our belief that oppressions such as racism, sexism, classism and homophobia continue to permeate our schools, as well as other institutions within the society. These are issues which greatly affect our teaching staff and our students within the system, yet because they are considered to be ‘controversial’ in nature, they are often ignored or silenced. The research study that I conducted for my thesis indicates that in the Saskatchewan context, teachers are ill equipped to deal with the many oppressions that our students face, and do not have the resources needed to respond to issues such as racism, which create institutional and systemic consequences (McLean, 2007). Our goal is to provide the ongoing knowledge, resources, workshops and conferences which will support teachers in their approach to Anti-Racist Anti-Oppressive theory and praxis. We want to create SAFE spaces to discuss these issues and maintain a dialogue that normalizes the work towards social justice in our schools."
-Sheelah McLean

SAFE welcomes all (including community members, pre-service teachers) who are interested in working against socially constructed oppressions.

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